Thursday, 14 June 2012

Getting there slowly and only few days of CRAFTfest left so hurry over !!!

I have nearly finished painting my new craft room, but my poor cockatoo (Oscar) really hasn't a clue what's going on, his been moved all around the room bless him .here he is sitting on my hand,im not sure he is liking the new colour scheme lol It maybe a bit bright for him its green lol

anyway I shall be up and creating new cards hopefully from Monday and to be honest I cant wait. I have a commission card to prep for a Golden wedding anniversary that im really looking forward to doing, as its a rather special occasion 50 years married is a great achievement for anyone and I feel honoured to have been asked to do this, so needless to say it will be a rather lovely card,  and I need to put more new cards on the website as im getting a bit bored of looking at the same ones day in day out,
The cards im looking to do are more anniversary,few more Christmas cards and few themed cards like 50th, 30th etc a mum, dad,, brother, sister card and few wedding ones , just to show everyone that I can adapt to anything as most of the cards on site are non generic and I think people are put off by that so I thought if I showed themed cards then you have a better idea of what I do, well that's the plan.
I will also be sorting out the categories making them more specific to the cards I make. tidying up the site if you like,
Its all a bit higgledy piggledy at the moment as I wanted to get the site up and running as quick as, which wasn't the best idea in the world as now I have a huge process of tidying up. so over the next few weeks hopefully you will see a huge difference.
My new saying is new craft room a new organised me, my hubby was laughing too when I said that lol
the new organised me will be hopefully making one card a day (they do take ages to do) updating website on a Monday and Friday, Blogging more Hopefully now blogger is sorted i can do more cards on here. hopefully on a daily basis. fingers crossed, It may take a few weeks to get organised fully to adapt my times etc but by July I will be sorted ( I do give myself no time to do anything, do I?)

so please stay with me to see the new me arrive with a bang on Monday lol
take care folks

and dont forget only a few days left of the CRAFTfest so please please please make sure you pop along and support all the wonderful crafters who have stalls there
you will find them all at

and look out for me under the cards category 

well ttfn folks see ya soon xxx


  1. Hi and thanks for your update. i love your website but look forward to any changes you make.

    Thank you for sharing a photo of your cockatoo. Love cockatoos.

    Best wishes to you.

  2. As a card crafter myself, it's interesting to see what other people are up to. I am glad to see I am not the only one who needs to tidy up their site!
    I go through phases of 'designing'. I see you're aiming at one a day- that's adventurous! I agree-it does take ages to get the end result you're after! Good luck with your plans :-)


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